Prescription Drug Initiative
Teen Tobacoo Use Prevention and Cessation Initiative
Medication Assistance Program
Obesity Initiative
Health Disparities Initiative
General Grants

Funding Priorities


Funded at $1.675 million per year for two years, the NC Health and Wellness Trust Fund (HWTF) issued two rounds of Requests for Proposals (RFP) to coordinate media and community-based events in support of the TRU Tobacco. Reality. Unfiltered. media campaign. The first RFP was issued on September 16, 2002 and awarded to Goddin Media on December 2, 2002. The second two RFPs were issued on August 29, 2003 and awarded on October 15, 2003 to CapStrat as the Paid Media Vendor, and the Ruiz Agency as the Grassroots Program Support Vendor.

Funded at $220,000 over two years, HWTF issued an RFP to develop and implement a teen tobacco media plan targeting minority audiences. The RFP was issued on May 25, 2004 and awarded to Webb Patterson Communications, Inc. as the Minority Outreach Coordinator on July 1, 2004.

Funded at $7.4 million annually, HWTF issued an RFP on January 31, 2005 for a full services marketing and advertising contractor to work as a collaborative partner in the development, implementation, management and evaluation of a comprehensive in-state social marketing program to promote current and future preventive health initiatives funded by HWTF. Proposals are due no later than 2pm on February 22, 2005.

RFP for Full Services Marketing and Advertising Contractor - Due 02/22/05 OPEN
RFP for Minority Outreach Coordinator - Due 06/15/04 CLOSED
RFP for Paid Media Vendor - Due 09/23/03CLOSED
RFP for Grassroots Program Support Vendor - Due 09/23/03CLOSED
RFP for Paid Media and Public Relations Vendor - Due 10/11/02CLOSED

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